Humanitarian social drama Through the lives of two men (Fathi) and (Salah), Fathi loses his mind due to the harsh conditions of life and the injustice that stabs him from every direction. As for Salah, a mean man loses his eye in a fight. A strong friendship develops between them, but there is a conspiracy behind Fathi's back by Salah with the help of his nurse girlfriend in order to steal Fathi's eye.
Up Next in Comedy
30 Youm Fe El Segn
Medhat, a businessman, burned a man's mustache by mistake and was sentenced to jail for 30 days. He convinced Amsheer, his bodyguard, to replace him in jail.
Hasal Khear
Qamar is a belly dancer who moves into a building with several families where she is bombarded by the husbands' attention. Family lives are disrupted as the wives in the building attempt to keep their husbands' attention.