A young man named Seif (Amr Diab) bides his time as a delivery boy while planning his future as a singer. He lives in a garage and works in a video club owned by Ziko who deals with cheap commercial music. He gets engaged to Badreya, a poor girl, who works as a waitress serving the rich.
Up Next in Romance
Gesh El Zawgeyah
Badran Kamel is a businessman having a financial crisis. To get out of it, he makes a deal with his spoiled young son, Hazem, who is known for his way with women. He asks Hazem to marry Salma, a tomboy, who is a football player and the daughter of the bank manager.
Omar We Salma 2
Marital strife brews as Omar pursues a music career despite Salma's wishes that he opt for a more stable job.
Al Hob Al Azim
Samia, a married woman, discovers she has cancer and is close to death. She hides it from her husband, Ahmed, and decides to find a new wife for him even though it causes her to be jealous. Then things turn upside down when the doctor discovers the diagnosis is wrong and she isn't sick.