Klemat Fasl
A social talk show hosted by the renowned Lebanese anchor celebrity, Joumana Bou Eid, interviewing the biggest stars in the Arab music entertainment biz. The show revolves around the seasons of the artist’s professional career. The seasonal changes are expressed in the studio accompanying the entire interview with the star while the colors of each season changes on the screen to match the conversation.
Kalemat Fasel - Abadi Al-Johar
Kalemat Fasel - Latifa
Kalemat Fasel - Kazim Al Saher
Winter: Cold and stormy stages in the life of the guest artist (difficulties in the journey – failure.)
Kalemat Fasel - Abu Bakr Salem - Part 02
Fall Highlights of times the artist faced positive and negative criticism.
Kalemat Fasel - Assala Nasri
Summer: Showcases the fun atmosphere - trips - travel - festivals – and family – main positive moment from the artist’s life away from art.
Kalemat Fasel - Abu Bakr Salem - Part 01
Spring: The fruitful stage in the life of the artist’s career journey.