The story revolves around a young man who wasted all his wealth, joins a gang counterfeiting money, falls in love with a singer and marries her, then gets caught by the police. The young man gets out of prison and tries to take revenge on the gang leader who tried to marry his wife during the period in which he was imprisoned.
Up Next in Drama
Sabei Alil
A drug dealer being chased by police hides drugs in Salwa's car. Her car breaks down and by coincidence Hassan, a mechanic, passes by and helps fix her car. He's surprised by the presence of the drug shipment in the car and hides it. The gang kidnaps Salwa demanding she return the drugs that she ...
Leala Raheeba
The story revolves around the successful doctor (Magdy), and his beautiful fiancée Monira (Souad Hosni), (Magdy) is very concerned about his lineage towards his mother with whom he lives in the same house, his uncle tries to catch him, the suspicion in his heart, and presses him through Abd al-S...
Gedaan Bab El Shaereya
The vegetable seller blessed his first daughter’s wedding from Ahmed, despite the educational difference between them. At the same time, the teacher coveted Jaber in marrying her, so he kidnaps the daughter and hides her in his secluded warehouse. Event escalates.