The story revolves around the successful doctor (Magdy), and his beautiful fiancée Monira (Souad Hosni), (Magdy) is very concerned about his lineage towards his mother with whom he lives in the same house, his uncle tries to catch him, the suspicion in his heart, and presses him through Abd al-Sattar, who (Magdy) deeply fears, (Monira) intervenes to calm things down between (Abd al-Sattar) and (Magdy), revealing (Abd al-Sattar) the ancient secret that he kept long.
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Share'e Mohamed Ali
(Naima) dancer lives with her stepmother, the scientist who loves money, (Naima) identifies the singer (Ismail Jaber) and links the love between their two hearts, but the stepmother objects to this marriage as the poverty of this beginner singer does not enable her to get money, and she chooses N...
Lelet Aleid
Yasmina, Shushu, and Soso Three siblings trying to make a living from working in a nightclub, Yasmina gets gambling money from Adel who fell in love with her and considers it a debt payable.
Minister (Jaafar Al Barmaki) listens to the voice of the Bedouin (Dananeer) as she sings while passing through the desert. He is admired her voice and suggests she accompanies him to (Baghdad) in order for her to learn the origins of singing on the hands of (Ibrahim al-Musli). Dananeer have the o...